Friday, 20 April 2018

How to Disable Gutenberg: Complete Guide

Gutenberg soon will be added to the WordPress core. This is great news for some, not so great for others. With 99.9999% (estimate) of all WordPress sites currently setup to work without Gutenberg, the massive changes barreling down the pike are going to affect literally millions of websites. And as swell as the whole "Gutenberg" experience may seem, the simple truth is that a vast majority of site owners will not be prepared when it finally hits. Nor will many small business have time or budget to test and update client sites to accommodate ol’ Gut’. Note! To help save time, I may refer to Gutenberg as G7G or g7g throughout this article (e.g., in code snippets). Just faster than typing it all out 🙂
*You* have the power..
If that sounds like your situation, you basically have two options:
Buck up and fork out your time and money to test and update all existing client sites for Gutenberg.
OR, simply disable Gutenberg until you are ready for it.
From the WP peeps I’ve heard from, only a handful are full on-board ready to sacrifice whatever amount of time and money it takes to implement and support Gutenberg. Most folks I’ve heard from, however, are confused and/or


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