Monday, 9 April 2018

Important Changes in Theme Review Process

We all know that queue time is around 3 months. We have quite a small numbers of active theme reviewers at the moment, and even when a ticket is being reviewed, the review process itself can take pretty long to complete. The change is based on moving burden from reviewer’s shoulder to theme author’s and making theme authors more responsible. From today, reviewers can check mainly following issues to pass the review.
Malicious or egregious stuff
Content Creation
Although these are the points to pass the theme review, theme authors are expected to follow the guidelines (required and recommended) like how it is going currently.
Moderators will spot check the themes after it is set live. If theme authors are found intentionally not following the guideline, Moderators will ask theme authors to fix the critical issues. In the case of not abiding the guidelines, theme could be on temporary or permanent suspension.


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