Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Is Your Website Protected from Hackers?

In most companies now, a cyber-attack risk is a major concern as security failures could endanger the companies and even the global economy. It is so serious that according to the Centre for Strategic and international studies, they estimated the global economy’s cyber-crime cost to be about US$400 billion. Both individuals and companies whether big or small are now a target of cyber-attacks either directly or indirectly. When there is a security breach especially for companies there is a high-cost implication as money is extracted from them from the hackers and important data stolen. Additionally, the security breach leads to a lot of backlash from the customers hence that is also a reputational risk for the company.
In short, a cyber-attack often results in a cyber loss, denial of access, data corruption and on the extreme it could also lead to a complete takeover which leads to negative consequences on business.
Factors to consider when thinking whether a website is ready or not to deal with attacks
Since in most companies, cybersecurity is a board-level responsibility, there are some of the hard questions asked to determine if the company is ready to deal with attacks;


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