While the speedy Hare bragged about its lightning pace but snoozed mid-way, the slow Tortoise, moved steadily, without looking back, and won a mighty winning. We learn perseverance and ingenuity are important determining characteristics of a leader and a winner. Not speed or how much ahead one has gone. The Hare & Tortoise fable is not an unfamiliar story to any of us. It teaches a timeless lesson, and unsurprisingly, explains many real situations and characteristics that apply beyond people. It can also be applied to non-living things that also run, albeit figuratively, compete with each other, and even move our lives in productive ways.
Two such creations are Medium & WordPress. Two giant web blogging platforms that are different in several ways.
As you may’ve guessed rightly, this article will be going over the differences between Medium and WordPress, the two heavy hitters in today’s content writing platform industry.
Table of Contents
WordPress & Medium summarized
To avoid the hassles of having to migrate to another platform later, you must research thoroughly and cross-match your needs with the services offered in each platform before making a choice.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18313/wordpress-vs-medium-comparing-apples-oranges
source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/01/21/wordpress-vs-medium-comparing-apples-oranges/
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