Tuesday 16 May 2017

Different Sidebars on Different Pages, Posts, or Categories

I bet that you have more than one type of content on your WordPress site. So why is your sidebar the same across every single page and category? Using different sidebars for different pages and categories allows you to offer readers a browsing experience that’s much more specific to their needs. At least that was my thought when I went searching for a solution to change my sidebar depending on the page and/or category a visitor was on!
After a little digging, I found a solution that makes sidebar customization easy. And in this post, I’m going to show you exactly how to do it.
When Are Different Sidebars for Different Pages or Categories a Good Idea?
Using different sidebars allows you to offer your readers a better experience by making it easy for them to find content that fits their interests. For example, say you have a sports blog that covers, in part, both basketball and baseball.
While there may be some overlap between the audiences, for the most part, your readers will be primarily interested in only one of the topics. So if you’re showing baseball content in the sidebar on your basketball content…that’s wasted space for most of your audience.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/15129/different-sidebars-on-different-pages-posts-or-categories

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/05/16/different-sidebars-on-different-pages-posts-or-categories/

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