Tuesday, 1 January 2019

The Grumpy Designer’s Bold Predictions for 2019

2019 is upon us and it has me thinking big. And since everyone else out there is telling you what will happen in the new year, I’m going to do the same thing: But with a twist. You see, this isn’t any old set of predictions. No, these will be more like trekking up a mountain to see a soothsayer. But only way better, since you won’t suffer from the fatigue of having to climb thousands of feet just to hear my thoughts.
This old grumpy designer has read literally tens of these “predict the year ahead” types of articles. And I’ve discovered that, although they mean well, they’re neither very fun or useful. So, I’m here to change the narrative.
But before we begin, just a word of warning. These predictions are absolutely huge. Like you’ve never seen before. And they are completely tongue-in-cheek, so don’t wager anything of value on them.
If you want to know what 2019 will bring, you’ve come to the right place. So, settle in with a cup of your favorite beverage and prepare to be dazzled.
Prediction #1: JavaScript Will Run Everything
I’ll be the first to admit that I can’t take full credit for this one. Back in
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18248/the-grumpy-designer-s-bold-predictions-for-2019

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/01/01/the-grumpy-designers-bold-predictions-for-2019/

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