Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Great Design & the Power of Seamless Layout Switching

Commitment to great design is one of the cornerstones of the Stackable Philosophy. We believe that whatever we produce should not only be functional but also beautiful, and this is something that was instilled in us from the get-go. Our Art Director happened to come across these while cleaning up her Stackable files.
These were the different logos we were choosing from when we were about to release Stackable for the first time. As you can see, even during the early, early days, our commitment to making beautiful things was already at the center of our decision-making.
Thankfully, our Art Director had the time, patience and (of course) the talent to come up with so many gorgeous design options. She meticulously made each and every logo design from scratch, and we had a very long and lively pow-wow to decide on which logo to go with. As time-consuming as it was, we felt that designing from scratch was necessary to come up with the best logo. Needless to say, we’re very happy with the result.
In the course of developing Stackable though, we realized that there is an easier way of choosing among different design options without having to design from scratch every time.
Seamless Layout
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18446/great-design-the-power-of-seamless-layout-switching

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/03/13/great-design-the-power-of-seamless-layout-switching/

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