Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Elementor Performance Tests Vs Normal Theme

In this article, I would like to present you a performance load test over Elementor page builder to see exactly how much is increasing your page load time. These days is important to have a fast loading site to be better for your visitors and have a more good bounce rate. This speed is important especially on mobile where the internet speed is not that good as on a desktop and where the user doesn’t have that much patience.
Elementor is the best page builder plugin that you can use as it has a lot of features and can help in creating very beautiful websites designs in minutes, it is mobile responsive and not expensive at all it even can be used for free with the free version.
Many are telling that if you are using Elementor you don’t even need a WordPress theme and you can just use Elementor for everything. This is actually true but you will see in this article that the things are not quite like this.
Plugins and Theme Used for Tests
For these tests, I am using a couple of Plugins and Astra Theme to test the Elementor Performance increase from the normal Astra load time. The plugins that are installed on my site are:
Yoast SEO
Affiliate Coupons
WP Rocket
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18556/elementor-performance-tests-vs-normal-theme

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/04/23/elementor-performance-tests-vs-normal-theme/

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