Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Why Marketers Should Learn to Code [+3 Reasons and Resources]

You’re known as a marketing ninja. You’re great at what you do. You know what your clients need, and you ace your projects. But—do you know how to code? Probably not.
Why does it matter?
The whole web word is built on coded software. Can you be called a digital marketing guru without knowing the basics of how the web world is built?
In this guide, you’ll get a better understanding of why coding can make you an indispensable marketer in today’s digital world. You’ll also get valuable advice on where to start with learning how to code.
Follow these simple steps, and you’ll be closer to be an all-around digital marketing superstar.
Building Your Problem-Solving Abilities
What is coding all about?
Coding is less about the language and more about an approach to problem-solving.
What does this mean for you as a marketer?
You wear this hat already. Every marketer has problem-solving skills they put to use each and every day. But how will coding make you even better at problem-solving?
Well—it’s all about how to act when you encounter a new problem. When I started coding, I realized there is a framework available to solve problems that can
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/18523/why-marketers-should-learn-to-code-3-reasons-and-resources

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2019/04/09/why-marketers-should-learn-to-code-3-reasons-and-resources/

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