Monday, 8 April 2019

The State of the Stack – NorthStack® Serverless Application Hosting

First and foremost, thank you all for expressing such immense excitement towards NorthStack. We can’t wait to show you the raw power of NorthStack so that you can get a first-hand look into what we’ve been working so hard to build. While you’ve all been waiting so patiently, our team has been making monumental strides toward making our vision for NorthStack a reality.
A Rock-Solid Foundation
Just like the world’s largest skyscrapers, the foundation for any product is the most critical component. With something as groundbreaking as NorthStack, we’re committed to delivering a product that is as reliable as can be.
Up to this point, we have been working within a reasonably small footprint inside of an ECS container. This allows us to rapidly prototype various services and endpoints before we deploy the complete production environment.
As our team nears completion of the production environment, we’re continuously testing everything to ensure that it meets our rigorous performance, reliability, and security requirements. So far, things are going exceedingly well. Once our testing is complete, we’ll be ready to expand access to the NorthStack beta.


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