Thursday, 17 May 2018

How ‘Starfish Reviews’ now handles licensing (and GDPR compliance)

A lot has happened since our last plugin update. You should know that Anas has made amazing progress on the multiple-destinations feature, but it’s not in this version (sorry to tease). We’ll also be including an option to be more compliant with Google’s updated guidelines (more on that soon). We bumped both those features to version 1.5 in order to get Freemius integrated and launched as quickly as possible. Why Freemius, Why Now?
If you’ve read some of my posts, you’ll know that I like to take a step back and ask “why?” I also like to explain the “why” behind our decisions. So here’s why we’re doing this: Freemius is going to save us a lot of time and hassle going forward so we can invest more in improving Starfish Reviews, marketing it, and possibly launching some of the other plugins we have waiting in the wings. For example, a number of our members are already in the European Union, and we expect many more will be in the future. Freemius handles all the VAT taxes for EU citizens. They also will soon handle GDPR compliance for those same EU citizens, as well. This was a major factor as GDPR goes into effect next week


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