Wednesday, 2 May 2018

The Ultimate Checklist for SEO Migration [+Infographic]

The worst nightmare, any web developer may have, is finding out that all the SEO juice collected so thoroughly and persistently was…lost during the migration process. Ooof, I definitely just had a wave of goosebumps rolling down my back. I mean, it’s not like the SEO score was decreased, it was completely erased! That’s right, from now on your renewed website is not considered to be changed but completely fresh. Thus neither Google nor any other search engine can’t rank you yet. But it can only happen if you don’t keep in mind the SEO issue while moving house. Surely, no one can give a 100% accurate prediction how the web world would react to your choice. Though, I may simply give you some pieces of advice on how to avoid a possible downfall. First of all, consider adding a few useful options like 301 Redirect and Meta Data Migration to your migration list. Why do they matter?
Second of all, make up a list of all your valuable URLs, which, for instance, have a high rank, get most of the organic clicks and simply are crucial for your website wealth and health. You can do it using Screaming Frog tool or any other similar. This may come in handy after the


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