Tuesday, 28 August 2018

6 Things You Should Do Before Changing WordPress Themes

One of the great things about WordPress is that it gives you the ability to change the entire look of your site by simply changing themes. It literally only takes a few clicks and your site can look totally different. However, if you don’t want to wreck your site then you should do these 6 things before changing WordPress themes. 1. Take Notes On Edits To Current Theme
Depending on how long you’ve been using your current theme chances are you’ve manually added bits of code to it at some point. Whether it was Google Analytics, Google Adsense, or the Facebook open graph there are all kinds of snippets you may have added. If you haven’t been doing it all along then going forward you should take note of every bit of code you manually add to your theme so that you can put it back when you change themes. Go through your theme files and study them closely for any additional code you added. Pay special attention to the theme header file.
2. Is Your New Theme Widget Ready?
Take note of what sidebar widgets are being used in your current theme. Will those transfer to the new theme? If your new theme is not “widget ready” you will lose all your sidebar customizations.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17805/6-things-you-should-do-before-changing-wordpress-themes

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/08/28/6-things-you-should-do-before-changing-wordpress-themes/

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