Wednesday, 29 August 2018

The Story Of (ELI-NP) Has Just Gone Viral!

A research and development facility is already in the works in Romania for undertaking advanced research in nuclear physics. The facility, which is now called the Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics or ELI-NP will be using top-of-the-line laser technologies. The ELI-NP will be the most advanced facility to date and it will be comprised of a super high-intensity laser made with two 10PW ultra-short pulse lasers. Additionally, it will also have a brilliant and tunable gamma-ray beam.
ELI-NP Coverage
The creation of the facility is part of the ELI project. The ELI project is a pan-European research project that already has a few facilities located in Hungary and the Czech Republic. The very aim of this project is to promote the availability of research in the whole of Europe by providing a state-of-the-art infrastructure that will provide unlimited opportunities to the academic, government, and businesses in different private sectors.
When ELI-NP is done, it is expected to put its focus on tackling the development and innovation strengths and weaknesses of Romania. Some of the issues that will be addressed are the lack of big-time research facilities and researchers, limited


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