Friday, 31 August 2018

Is WordPress Secure? Here’s What the Data Says

WordPress is, by far, the most popular way to build a website. That popularity has the unfortunate side effect of also making WordPress sites a juicy target for malicious actors all across the world. And that might have you wondering whether WordPress is secure enough to handle those attacks. First – some bad news: Every year, hundreds of thousands of WordPress sites get hacked.
Sounds grim, right? Well…not really, because there’s also good news:
Hackers aren’t getting in due to vulnerabilities in the latest WordPress core software. Rather, most sites get hacked from entirely preventable issues, like not keeping things updated or using insecure passwords.
As a result, answering the question of “is WordPress secure?” requires some nuance. To do that, we’re going to cover a few different angles:
Statistics on how WordPress sites actually get hacked, so you understand where the security vulnerabilities are.
How the WordPress core team addresses security issues, so you know who’s responsible and what they are responsible for securing.
If WordPress is secure when you follow best practices, so you know if your website will be safe.
How WordPress


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