Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Conclusions Moving Toolset & WPML from Lifetime Licenses to Auto-renewals

My name is Amir Helzer, founder of OnTheGoSystems (makers of WPML and Toolset). In this article, I’m going to lay out the reasoning behind our recent move from Lifetime licenses to annual automatic renewals for our products. I’ll also explain why I warmly recommend you consider doing the same for your WordPress products. We need to get paid for our work. Clients need peace of mind. Automatic renewals offer exactly what both developers and the clients need. Since 2010, we’ve been making a living developing, selling and supporting WordPress plugins. Our plugins, WPML and Toolset power around 1 million WordPress sites and our team is made of around 90 members. Every decision that we take about pricing has serious implications and we make these decisions only after careful considerations.
I believe that there is no “right way” to price and sell things. It all depends on what you’re selling and the relationship that you expect to have with your customers.
WPML and Toolset are both ‘infrastructure’ plugins. Once you build a site with them, it’s hard to switch over to alternatives. Of course, this is nice for us, but it also means that
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17801/conclusions-moving-toolset-wpml-from-lifetime-licenses-to-auto-renewals

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/08/28/conclusions-moving-toolset-wpml-from-lifetime-licenses-to-auto-renewals/

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