Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Family, Priorities, and Writing it Down with Curtis McHale

Today’s guest is Curtis McHale. Curtis is a husband, father, web developer, and business coach (you can find him at and Currently, Curtis builds membership websites and is a writer and business coach. He helps clients run the business they want, earn what they want, and spend more time with their families. On the development side, he helps his clients achieve those goals through business automation.
Curtis’ favorite quote is: “If you don’t write it down it didn’t happen.” – Jack Ryan (Tom Clancy). This speaks volumes about how he approaches his life and his business. For Curtis, what you write down is what becomes your priority, so it’s important to write things down if you want to make progress toward your goals.
A defining moment in Curtis’ life was realizing he was doing a lot of work but not getting to see his kids as much, even though he was working from home most of the time.
One of the ways he became more effective was by adding constraints to his work. For example, right now he’s only working on iOS – it makes focusing much easier and removes the temptation to get distracted. He


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