Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Why You Need To Discontinue Using Nulled WordPress Plugins On Your Site

We all know WordPress, the software, is free and great for beginners, hobby bloggers, and even serious businesses. The platform is supplemented by hundreds and thousands of plugins, themes, and extensions built by developers from around the globe. There are thousands of free plugins and themes on WordPress, that can easily be used as alternatives to the pricey versions. This makes the life of many website owners easy! But here’s the thing, from time to time, we do need to run premium (paid) plugins to get those extra benefits and functions for our site. A good number of users opt to run these premium solutions nulled and pirated. Getting involved in copyright infringement, is, however, outright theft. And this is highly discouraged because it costs your site a lot more than it gives back.
Consider motives of nulled software providers
Before we delve into the consequences for users using pirated versions, let’s consider what nulled hosts are obtaining from distributing paid plugins freely. Nulled plugins and themes are, for the vast majority of times, given out by individuals who cannot be identified through unsecured sites. The sites where they allow you to download free premium WordPress
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17743/why-you-need-to-discontinue-using-nulled-wordpress-plugins-on-your-site

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/08/14/why-you-need-to-discontinue-using-nulled-wordpress-plugins-on-your-site/

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