Tuesday 18 September 2018

How to Boost Sales by Storytelling on Your Blog

Those who tell stories rule the world. –Plato Plato understood the power of storytelling thousands of years ago.
No matter if it is a sci-fi movie or a 100-year old classic tale, it works and leaves you baffled because of the beautifully crafted story.
Why do you think people binge-watch tv series, or can’t stop reading a good fiction novel, or simply spend the evening with the friend who always has epic tales to tell?
They all have one thing in common, and that is good storytelling.
Surely storytelling works but can these techniques of storytelling be used to increase sales?
You can always find articles and blogs which are using storytelling to convey the message. And now you too can embrace the art of storytelling and increase your sales phenomenally.
Telling your own stories and sharing experiences goes a long way, but it might be easier said than done for some of us.
For few people, it is like a cake walk, and for some, it can be a challenging task. But anyone willing to put their heart in it can get better at it.
But before we understand how you can start doing business storytelling, let’s understand this first.
Why are stories so powerful?
A good
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17880/how-to-boost-sales-by-storytelling-on-your-blog

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/09/18/how-to-boost-sales-by-storytelling-on-your-blog/

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