Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Why WordPress Needs Gutenberg (& the Future of Page Builders)

WordPress is the largest CMS in the world, powering ~1/3 of all websites. The WordPress editing experience hasn’t changed much in over a decade and Gutenberg now aims to completely reinvent it. That’s a big deal. It won’t be easy, but here’s 1) why it’s worth it and 2) what it means for page builders.
The Wild West
The WordPress ecosystem has been trying to improve the site editing experience since before plugins entered core in WordPress 1.2 (2004). There have been page builders, theme frameworks, front-end editors, etc. all trying to improve the WordPress site editing experience.
Like every meaningful advancement, there are these wild west days of churn to find something that works. A lot of great tools and learnings have come out of this, but it has also led to fragmentation across dozens of page builders, theme frameworks, etc. that don’t work well together.
If you’ve been around WordPress for a while you’ve likely seen some cringe-worthy examples of this. For example, a site with a bloated “multipurpose” theme with bundled functionality…using a page builder…and using WooCommerce or some similar monstrosity.
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17860/why-wordpress-needs-gutenberg-the-future-of-page-builders

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/09/12/why-wordpress-needs-gutenberg-the-future-of-page-builders/

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