Monday, 24 September 2018

How we increased Profile Builder’s usability by acting on user feedback

Improving your product’s user experience is an ongoing task. Or at least, it should be. Adding feature after feature in the hope of attracting more customers can easily become the norm and usability starts suffering. Without focusing on the big picture and constantly asking why, it’s easy to get off track. We’re guilty of it as well.
Usability, or simply put, ease of use, should be your number one priority. Trying to be everything for everyone is a clear path to disaster.
This is of course, easier said than done.
In this article, we’ll summarize the usability issues we’ve encountered in Profile Builder , our first and most popular plugin, and how we solved them.
Keep in mind we’re by no means usability experts, just constantly trying to improve our products.
How do you know you have a usability problem?
In order to fix it, you first need to be aware it exists.
So we did something we should have done a long time ago, which is ask users who install, use and then remove Profile Builder from their website, what’s the reason for it.
Just ask people why they stopped using your product and you’ll be surprised by how many are willing to share


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