Tuesday 18 April 2017

Why We Love Paying for WordPress Plugins

Everybody loves free! You get what you want and you don’t have to give up anything for it! But is it the best “value”- even at $0.00? Is anything ever really free? Can we really get something we want without trading something for it?
TL;DR Why we love paying for plugins
Can trust they will be updated and improved over time
They are a more safe of a cart to hitch your horse to for the long haul (path dependency)
Support exists and is usually very helpful
The author / company has a VERY keen interest in your success with their plugin
What about free WordPress Plugins?
Don’t get me wrong, we love free plugins too. There are free plugins that we use almost all of our WordPress projects. There are many high quality and reliable plugins built by people that we know (some we like 😉 ) and trust.
Why pay for WordPress Plugins?
However, we really love paying for premium plugins as well. But, when many in our community expect things for free, we feel the need here to dig into why we love to pay for WordPress plugins.
Open Source works phenomenally well but sometimes the author / company’s interest in providing well for themselves is an even more effective and predictable
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/14888/why-we-love-paying-for-wordpress-plugins

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2017/04/18/why-we-love-paying-for-wordpress-plugins/

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